Doug Crenshaw

A published author and board member of the Richmond Battlefield Association, past president of the Richmond Civil War Roundtable, and a speaker, presenter, and tour leader.

Meet Doug Crenshaw

Doug Crenshaw studied history at Randolph-Macon College and the University of Richmond. He is a Board member of the Richmond Battlefield Association, past president of the Richmond Civil War Roundtable, and a speaker, presenter, and tour leader.

Doug is passionate about the Richmond battlefields and leads tours of the Seven Days as well as the Cold Harbor campaign. He also presents a tour of the Fort Harrison and Chaffins’s Farm sites. Depending on the interests of the visitor, Doug can also include some areas that add to the story, such as Seven Pines, Haw’s Shop, Drewry’s Bluff, and others. An overview tour of the sites in the City of Richmond is also available.

With many years of experience studying these campaigns, Doug can greatly enhance a visit to Richmond. When he is not leading tours he can be found volunteering for the Richmond National Battlefield Park at Cold Harbor and the site at Tredegar.

Published Civil War Author

Doug’s book, Fort Harrison and The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm -part of the Emerging Civil War Series published by Savas Beatie– was nominated in the nonfiction category for a Library of Virginia Literary award. Doug has also written The Battle of Glendale: Robert E. Lee’s Lost Opportunity, as well as Richmond, Shall not be Given Up! a survey and tour of the Seven Days campaign, which was a finalist for the Army Historical Foundation Distinguished writing award.

Doug has just completed a guidebook on Civil War Richmond with Bert Dunkerly. A book on the Peninsula Campaign was co-written with Drew Gruber and currently, Doug is working on a book about Confederate High Command during the Seven Days.

Learn more from Doug

Take a private Virginia battlefield tour with Doug Crenshaw
Cold Harbor

Battle of Cold Harbor Guided Tour

The fourth and last Overland Campaign battle. Hear about Ulysses S. Grant’s repeated attacks against Confederate entrenched positions.
Seven Days' Battles

Seven Days’ Battles Tour

Culmination of Union General McClellan’s Peninsula Campaign to seize the Confederate capital leading to Robert E. Lee rise to launch a series of offensives over 7 days.

Published Books

To Hell or Richmond:
The 1862 Peninsula Campaign
Emerging Civil War Series, April 2023

Embattled Capital: A Guide to Richmond During the Civil War
Emerging Civil War Series, January 2021

The Battle of Glendale:
Robert E. Lee’s Lost Opportunity
Civil War Series, January 2017

Fort Harrison and the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm: To Surprise and Capture Richmond
Civil War Series, November 2013

Published Articles

Forts: Fury at Fort Harrison
Emerging Civil War
February 2022

Opportunity Lost: Glendale – June 30, 1862
Emerging Civil War
June 2020

Questions of Secession (part one)
Emerging Civil War
April 2020

A Lost Opportunity: Glendale
Emerging Civil War
October 2019

Hanover Court House: McClellan’s High Tide on the Peninsula
Emerging Civil War
May 2019

Artillery: “As Though an Earthquake”: The Guns of Malvern Hill
Emerging Civil War
June 2018

Preservation Groups: The Richmond Battlefields Association
Emerging Civil War
February 2018

Tracking Down the Wounding of Joe Johnston
Emerging Civil War
January 2017

Featured Videos

Over 100 5 Star Reviews

Took a full day tour of Jacksons Valley Campaign a few weeks ago and it was outstanding. The tour guide was well prepared and provided an in-depth overview of the multiple battles that make up this campaign.


We are big Civil War buffs, and even after reading about the battles and previously visiting some of the battlefields, we STILL learned so much. Highly recommend this tour for anyone, it’s well worth it.


We would highly recommend taking as much of the tour as you can. I learned so much and appreciate how he explained each battle. My husband has always been very interested in the civil war and now I am too. Can’t wait to go on more tours.


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